Saturday Apr 6, 2024
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
April 6th, 2024 8am-11am
City of Summerdale 110 E Jackson Avenue Summerdale, AL 36580
ONLINE REGISTRATION Race + Shirt / $30 Race Only / $25 Fun Run + Shirt / $20 Fun Run Only / $15 Additional Shirts / $20 DAY-OF REGISTRATION Race + Shirt / $35 Race Only / $25 Fun Run + Shirt / $25 Fun Run Only / $15 Additional Shirts / $25
Cortney Weatherby, Coastal Outreach Manager
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Join us as we celebrate the birds that depend on the unique and vital habitats only found in Baldwin County. From the sparrows in your backyards to the gulls on our beautiful beaches, birds are dependent on the health of area ecosystems for survival, including that of native plants and pollinators. The birds need the insects, and the insects need native plants—and we need you! This event is open to everyone of all ages and will be a perfect opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, whether running or not. All proceeds will go directly towards protecting birds and the habitats they rely on in Mobile and Baldwin Counties.