The Community Foundation of South Alabama Helps Prodisee Pantry Put Fresh Foods on Local Tables!

The Community Foundation of South Alabama helps Prodisee Pantry put fresh foods on local tables!

When: Each food distribution by Prodisee Pantry

Where: Prodisee Pantry, 9315 Spanish Fort Blvd, Spanish Fort, AL 36527

Contacts: Deann Servos, Executive Director, Prodisee Pantry – 2651-626-1720/ 251-610-1174

Jena Berson, Director of Communications & Programs, CFSA 251-438-5591


We are a year and a half into the COVID-19 Pandemic with no real end in sight. Each week tons of groceries are distributed to struggling families. As the Federal stimulus money runs out for families and as this wave of Delta Variant of COVID-19 impacts our communities; Prodisee Pantry will be here providing food and hope because, it’s about hunger!

In April, Prodisee Pantry partnered with The Community Foundation of South Alabama to distribute locally sourced fresh produce, dairy, meats and staple food items into the community. This is significant as literally, 10 tons of fresh healthy foods were purchased through this CFSA grant to Prodisee Pantry and a total of 156 tons of food dispersed by this community ministry’s volunteers to 2,354 families impacted by COVID-19. “Each family received on average nine pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables including; sweet corn, potatoes, watermelons, tomatoes and more. All right from local farm fields.” said Prodisee Pantry’s executive director, Deann Servos.

“COVID-19 Response and Relief grants help ensure that organizations like Prodisee Pantry continue providing essentials, like food, to those most vulnerable in our local communities,” said Community Foundation of South Alabama President & CEO Rebecca Byrne.

Since mid-March 2020, Prodisee Pantry volunteers have provided 34,709 families with 3,755,031 pounds of food. That is an average of 110 pounds of food per family. “What a blessing this is to the families who receive the healthy foods as well as a reduction in the financial burden on Prodisee Pantry for these large-scale distributions.” states Servos. “Full carts of food equals full bellies. Shared smiles equals hope!”

This project was funded in part by a grant from The Community Foundation of South Alabama.