Southern View Media Ribbon Cutting

Southern View Media is a digital marketing company and we just opened a promotional products company. We help businesses create an online strategy to grow, build credibility and prosper using the most efficient online tools for their business goals and budget.


Southern View Media was formed to help small and medium sized businesses navigate and understand the complicated world of digital marketing. We want to provide value and build trust with our clients and the community. A lot of small business owners do not understand how digital marketing works and get taken advantage of by nationwide companies or Google phone calls. We want to put an end to that. By acting as a partner for our clients we are able to help them make educated decisions about marketing, whether it be digital, print, radio, TV etc. Brad and Michelle had a vision in 2010 to start this business and planned, trained, got more experience, more credentials, saved and planned some more before launching in 2015. Our overall goal is to grow local businesses and therefore grow the local community and local economy.


our logo is a seahorse because 1.) The male seahorse carries the babies and when we started the business my husband was the main caretaker of our children. 2.) Seahorses are committed to each other for life. This fits our business and vision because we are a husband and wife team. 3.) In Greek mythology a seahorse was referred to as a hippocamp, often described as a “horse in its forepart with a coiling, scaly, fishlike hindquarter.” These seahorses were described as heroes. They pulled chariots and guided riders across rough seas, into battle, and through the tumult to their ultimate destination. These mythological seahorses were seen strong leaders, loyal guides, fearless partners and stepped in to help when no one else would. That is Southern View Media, Strong leaders, Loyal Guides, Fearless Partners, and Willing to Help When Needed.


Why Southern View Media: What Makes us Different? Two main things make us different: Our People and Our Processes. Our People: Are the best of the best at what they do. Michelle says when she hires someone she is looking for someone that is smarter than her in that area. After the person is hired, we have a thorough training period, a strong community focus where employees are encouraged to get involved and network and volunteer, a powerful company culture that includes team building and contest and constant ongoing training to keep the team at the top of their field. We are a family. Our Processes: We are a process managed company. This means all of our services have a process that is constantly updated, added to and upgraded. Each service has a team assigned to it and that team meets each week to make sure that process is working for each client, develop new strategies, train and make sure we are on track for each client that has that service with SVM. This ensures our clients get what they are promised and we know nothing is left to chance. We utilize several project management tools to ensure nothing is forgotten including Basecamp, Asana and Trello.