Alabama Historical Commission Announces 2023 Grant Program

Alabama Historical Commission Announces 2023 Grant Program

(Montgomery, AL) The Alabama Historical Commission, the State Historic Preservation Office, has opened its 2023 Grant Program with funds appropriated by the Alabama Legislature. Historic sites meeting the eligibility can submit applications now through June 30, 2022, 4 PM.

The AHC will administer a $2,300,000 Grant Program with funds appropriated by the Alabama Legislature in the 2023 Fiscal Year (Oct. 1, 2022-Sept. 30, 2023), for improvements to and educational programming at historic sites in Alabama, and for monuments to commemorate historical events and places.

“Our state’s history is important, and the legislature realizes this,” said Senator Arthur Orr. “All across Alabama we have sites that are important to each of us to remind us of who we are or were as a people. Thanks to our partnership with the Alabama Historical Commission, we are able to preserve and maintain elements of our past.”

Grants will be awarded to public or non-profit entities who own and operate sites in Alabama that reflect an education-based mission and concentrate on educational programming. Preference will be given to properties built before 1840 to 1943 that are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, historic school structures, and any property built after 1943 that significantly contributed to the civil rights movement. Grant amounts will not exceed $75,000 for any one entity and must be used within two years of receiving the grant.

The funding appropriation is a 1(one) million dollar increase from the previous year. “Increased funding for these grants reflects the overwhelming success of the program” said Alabama Historical Commission Chairman, Dr. James Day. “Many buildings have been preserved and restored in recent years, and various facets of Alabama history have been enhanced.” Day continued, “The AHC acknowledges and appreciates the interest and support of the State Legislature. By investing in Alabama’s past, we are forging a path for our future.”

“Last fiscal year, the Historic Sites Grant Program helped to facilitate several types of improvements, including roof replacements, window restorations, and exterior painting,” said Lisa D. Jones, Executive Director of the Alabama Historical Commission. “The goal of the 2023 grant program is to assist historic sites throughout Alabama with both improvements and educational programming, which will help preserve them for future generations. Thank you to the Alabama Legislature for funding this much needed grant program to help preserve Alabama’s historic sites.”

Applicants must submit an official 2023 Historic Sites Grant application available on the


AHC website at

Applications must be hand delivered, mailed, or emailed to LaTarra Tetter, AHC Grants Manager, by June 30, 2022, 4 PM.

To learn more about the Alabama Historical Commission, please visit

About the Alabama Historical Commission

Located in historic downtown Montgomery at 468 S. Perry Street, the Alabama Historical Commission is the state historic preservation agency for Alabama. The agency was created by an act of the state legislature in 1966 with a mission to protect, preserve and interpret Alabama’s historic places. AHC works to accomplish its mission through two fields of endeavor: Preservation and promotion of state- owned historic sites as public attractions; and statewide programs to assist people, groups, towns, and cities with local preservation activities. For a complete list of programs and properties owned and operated by the AHC, hours of operation, and admission fees please visit