Pilots for Christ Announced ''God has worked a miracle''

Pilots for Christ in Monroeville recently announced that, in a little over six months, “God has worked a miracle” by allowing the organization to pay off the $918,000 bill for two new engines for the volunteer organization's aircraft.

According to Pilots for Christ's Ministry Partner Relations Coordinator Ashley Pharr, the organization was able to pay off the engines in full on Jan. 25. This was in large part due to donations from community businesses and citizens.

This was one of the greatest blessings Pilots for Christ has had in 29 years,” Pharr said. “But it doesn’t stop there. In 2022, this ministry flew 600 mission flights. This is record breaking.”

Sonny Vice, a cancer patient who has taken multiple flights with Pilots for Christ, thanked God for the organization.

They have been nothing but a blessing to my family and me as we go through our cancer journey. Every time we fly with them, there's nothing but servanthood that comes out of them. That's exactly what a disciple of Christ should be like.”

Pharr noted that Pilots for Christ never wants to take credit for the amazing things that are happening through their organization.

God is 100-percent responsible for everything that has occurred and is to come through this extremely blessed organization,” Pharr said. “Through our amazing volunteers and donors, God is working miracles that are aiding those who are physically broken among us.

The need is ever growing, and we want each patient to know that you all are a blessing to us. God continues to allow us to serve you and provide the transportation needed for you to get your treatments and appointments safely, quickly and free of charge.

From the bottom of our hearts and from the patients who need flights, thank you to every supporter, donor and prayer warrior. God used you all. These funds for the engines came from individuals, kids that raised funds at their school, business, churches and foundations. Your impact is eternal.”

During Pilots for Christ's recent Annual Volunteer Meeting, supporters burned the bank note on the new plane engines, sang hymns, prayed and thanked each volunteer.

The organization also honored Phil Allen, who has served as the secretary of the organization's board of directors for nearly 30 years. Allen began serving as board secretary on March 1, 1994, and he passed the torch to John Ayres of Monroeville on March 1, 2023.

During that same meeting, Pilots for Christ also welcomed a new member to the organization's board of directors, Walt Massey of Fairhope.