Infirmary Health celebrates the Re-opening of Mothers’ Milk Bank of Alabama Donation Depot

Infirmary Health celebrates the Re-opening of Mothers’ Milk Bank of Alabama Donation Depot 


Mobile, Ala. – As of Monday, May, 23, Infirmary Health has reopened its Mothers' Milk Bank of Alabama (MMBAL) Donation Depot location on the campus of Mobile Infirmary. As a depot location, donors that have been approved by MMBAL can conveniently drop off their supply at Women’s Health Alliance of Mobile. The depot will be open Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. In order to become a volunteer donor, women will take part in MMBAL’s stringent screening process to ensure the quality and safety of the milk. 


The MMBAL is a non-profit organization that collects, processes and facilitates the distribution of excess mothers’ milk to provide nourishment to sick or premature infants to help moms who can’t supply their own milk because of stress, medications or other complications. The milk is processed at the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama according to standards established Human Milk Banking Association of North America. Once processed, the milk is provided to more than 15 hospitals across Alabama including Infirmary Health’s Mobile Infirmary as well as in an outpatient setting to infants with a medical necessity.


Mothers who feel that they might need the support of donor milk to care for their child are encouraged to reach out to their pediatrician for a prescription. The responsibility for making decisions regarding medical necessity lies with the MMBAL Medical Director, Medical Advisory Board, and the Clinical Coordinator, in consultation with the baby’s healthcare provider and a review of pertinent medical records.


To learn more about how to support this organization as a donor or how to receive outpatient support, please visit