Impact 100 Baldwin County Announces Grant Deadlines for Nonprofits

Impact 100 Baldwin County Announces Grant Deadlines for Nonprofits Impact 100 Baldwin County has awarded $5.5 million in grants to nonprofits since 2008 and will continue to grow that number this year. Nonprofits interested in learning about the process for the 2024 grant cycle are invited to attend a virtual grant application workshop on Monday, April 29th from 9 to 10:30 am. The zoom workshop will include a step-by-step guide through the application process, how to prepare budget documents and hearing from a past grantee. After April 29th, nonprofits can opt to receive the information via a PowerPoint and a video of the presentation by email. Letters of intent from nonprofits applying for grants are due by May 14th, with the deadline for completed applications set for June 3rd. Grants are funded by pooling the $1,000 donations of Impact 100 members, a method of fundraising called collective giving. They are awarded to nonprofits serving Baldwin County in the areas of Arts, Culture, & Recreation;  Education;  Environment & Preservation; Family; and Health & Wellness. Workshop registration is available online through the Impact 100 Baldwin County website at,1,MYem1UR8sgLPWUEQNKevcccdrefQMma95Lby4-YkbxSZgZ-WRF_urXCjUk6lFEWNn6xCX_Z3fdsIKt1CpPPYrhNwEj_-bAn6duHUKSa_4g1ZFTcu&typo=1 All materials and a zoom link will be emailed to registered participants by April 26th.