Webinar for Women Small Business Owners - April 25 from USDOL

The U.S. Department of Labor is hosting a free webinar on Thursday, April 25 at 2:00pm ET: Women Small Business Owners: Improving Your Financial Security:

If you're a woman running a small business, you know that it can be both empowering and challenging. You have to make many decisions related to your business and its finances – but you still can’t forget your own financial health. Working to grow and manage your business and planning for your personal financial future is important to meet your financial goals but presents challenges. The good news is that help is available!


The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) , joined by the Internal Revenue Service, the Small Business Administration’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership, and America Saves, is hosting a free webinar to help women small business owners improve your financial security with information on:


·         Key considerations for women small business owners and resources available to help

·         Retirement savings options available for small businesses and how to get started after choosing a plan

·         Tax advantages of different retirement saving options and how they can benefit both you and your employees

·         How to encourage your employees to save in your retirement plan