Prodisee Pantry is Filling the Plates with healthy Food and Filling their Hearts with Hope!

What: Prodisee Pantry Invites You to Fill the Plate

When: Thursday, April 25, 2024 at Noon (Luncheon)

Where: Prodisee Pantry, 9315 Spanish Fort Blvd, Spanish Fort, AL 36527

Contact: Deann Servos, Executive Director, Prodisee Pantry 251-626-1720

"Filling the Plate of the hungry with healthy food and filling their hearts with hope is not only our passion but our mission!" According to Prodisee Pantry’s Executive Director, Prodisee Pantry. Since 2003, Baldwin County families have visited Prodisee Pantry 210,635 times seeking assistance with the most basic of needs: food and hope! Prodisee Pantry’s volunteers distributed 660 tons of food, but we are so much more than a box of groceries. We listen, encourage and connect families with other services that can lift them from poverty to self-sufficiency.” responds Servos

Red plates are starting to pop up all across the county at banks, churches, businesses, small groups, civic clubs, etc. Each plate has a value of about $100. One nickel, one dollar, ten dollars or one hundred dollars at a time, the community will FILL THE PLATE of our neighbors in need. “We are asking the community to donate what they can when they see the red plates. It’s simple to give, just scan the QR code on the plate or drop at donation in the collection jar. For so many, healthy fresh fruits and vegetables are a luxury... but for pennies on the dollar Prodisee Pantry can provide a family with these nutritious options from local farmers,” Servos says.

The image of who is HUNGRY in most people’s minds isn’t who Prodisee Pantry sees. Over two decades, our volunteers often recognize themselves in the faces of the 531,000 individuals who have eaten food provided by Prodisee Pantry. The hungry include the elderly woman sitting next to you at church, the single mom with two kids at the grocery store buying milk, your neighbor, or a co-worker.   10,489 family visits in 2023. They are struggling financially due to job loss or low wages, medical expenses, natural disasters and other crises.

It costs just $40 to provide a family with 100 plus pounds of groceries. But, Prodisee Pantry is more than just a box of groceries to these families. Each family receives fresh produce, meats, bread, staple grocery items and onsite access to dozens of other supportive programs. Our caring volunteers can plug a family into onsite representatives for free legal services, SNAP (food stamps), counseling, employers, budget help, medical & dental assistance, job readiness classes and so much more. We love hearing families say “I came for food, but left with... a job... a voucher for clothes for my kids... housing help and more! FOOD, CONNECTIONS and HOPE HAPPEN at Prodisee Pantry! For more information, to donate or to volunteer visit