Austal USA Employees Support Toys For Tots Campaign


MOBILE, Ala. – Austal USA joined local U.S. Marine Corps Reserves this week to collect toys from the company’s 3,000+ employees for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Foundation. The Austal USA workforce has teamed with the Mobile-based Marine Corps Reserve 3rd Force Reconnaissance Company for over a decade to support their “Fill the Box” Campaign and ensure they have enough toys for children in need this Christmas. The two-day donation event netted over 20 tall boxes of toys, 25 bicycles, and over $2,000 in monetary donations that will directly support the Toys for Tots mission.

“I am so excited to see the outpouring of charity from our workforce for this event,” Austal USA Acting President Michelle Kruger said in presenting the donations on behalf of the Austal team. “This is one of several ways Austal USA has found to give back to the community who has supported us so well for so many years. I know our employees are genuinely thankful for this opportunity to contribute to such a worthy cause.”

"Receiving donated toys and distributing them back to less fortunate children in our community is my primary mission,” said Sgt. Christopher Casares, Toys for Tots Coordinator. “The amazing employees of Austal USA should know that they have such an incredible impact on the children of Mobile. Their efforts will help us bring hope Christmas morning to our more than 14,000 children in need.”

Marines stand at Austal’s main entry gates for two days in early December, beginning at 4:00 a.m. each morning, receiving new, unwrapped toys from Austal’s shipbuilders as they arrive for work. The Marines then distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the Mobile community. Anyone interested in contributing to this cause can find a list of drop off locations and a link for monetary donations at