Eastern Shore Art Center Receives Two Generous Grants From the Alabama State Council on the Arts

Eastern Shore Art Center has received two generous grants from the Alabama State Council on the Arts.

“Funding will support our educational programming by providing funds for ‘Creative Cargo’ art supply kits for our children’s summer art camp as well as new exhibition lighting, display panels and pedestals.”


Bryant Whelan, Executive Director of the Art Center said that these grants are important to ensure that programming continues to be vibrant and inspiring. “This funding elevates our exhibitions to a level reflective of the caliber of artists we invite to exhibit in our galleries. Upgrading our lighting and displays is important for the most professional appearance of the exhibits,” Whelan said. “Additionally, the Art Center endeavors to keep children’s art programming affordable and inventive. Grant funding for the art supply kits makes that possible,” she said.


These grants signify that through these projects, the Eastern Shore Art Center will continue to enrich and inspire the community with enhance programming. These projects are reflective of the way the Alabama State Council for the Arts is making Alabama’s communities stronger and our state’s arts and culture sector more vibrant.

These grants, awarded by the Alabama State Council on the Arts, are made possible through funding from an annual appropriation from the Alabama State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts. This public support enables the Eastern Shore Art Center to reach new audiences, foster community development, provide the highest quality programming, and demonstrate the importance of arts as a key component for quality of life in Alabama.




About Eastern Shore Art Center

The Eastern Shore Art Center connects people of all ages and abilities with the arts through education, exhibitions and outreach activities. ESAC, dba the Eastern Shore Art Association, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation funded solely through private memberships, donations and grants relying on the goodwill of the community for its continuation. Current exhibits include Members’ Open Show, Plein Air Fairhope,

Nall Collection of Alabama Art and “Heart-felt” by Fairhope artist Jane Tucker. Learn more at www.esartcenter.org.


About Alabama State Council on the Arts The Council on the Arts is the official state agency for the support and development of the arts in Alabama. The Council works to expand and preserve the state’s cultural resources by supporting nonprofit arts organizations, schools, colleges, units of local government, and individual artists. Arts programs, assisted by Council grants, have a track record of enhancing community development, education, cultural tourism, and overall quality of life in all regions of the state. Alabama State Council on the Arts grants are made possible by an annual appropriation from the Alabama Legislature and additional funds from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Learn more at arts.alabama.gov.