FEEF Welcomes Mary E. Meg Gipson Lowry as Executive Director

FEEF is proud to announce and welcome Meg Lowry as the Executive Director. Lowry will be responsible for assuring FEEF’s long-term strategy to achieve its mission and vision statements, while developing an overall strategy for STEAM Education in K-12 with established goals and objectives.

Meg joins FEEF with 28 years of experience in education. She presently works for the Alabama State Department of Education in the Office of School Improvement supporting low performing schools. Before joining ALSDE, Lowry was a classroom teacher, media specialist, and technology integration specialist in Alabama and Georgia. After joining the ALSDE, she worked with ACCESS Distance Learning initiative and served as Administrator for the state’s public school librarians.

Ms. Lowry earned her BS in Elementary Education from Auburn University Montgomery, Master’s Degrees in both Library Media and Technology from Alabama State University and Educational Leadership from Georgia Southern University.

Meg has two adult children, Ben and Lee. Ben is married to Ashlee and they live in Fairhope with their two girls Collins (9) and Quinn (3). Lee is married to Herschel French and they live with their two boys, Sellers (4) and Gray(22 mos) in Santa Clara, Californina.

FEEF is excited about Meg’s start date of August 1, 2021, and is looking forward to her putting plans into action. With Lowry’s wealth of curriculum knowledge and project-based learning she will enhance what FEEF is doing in education enrichment and STEAM education.