Eastern Shore Residents and Officials Launch Water Preservation Group

FAIRHOPE, ALA. (September 1, 2021) — Eastern Shore residents and officials have launched efforts to raise awareness on the importance of protecting Alabama’s abundant water resources.


The non-profit organization, “Clean Water Alabama (CWA),” was formed earlier this year by local citizens and State Rep. Joe Faust, R-Fairhope, initially due to concerns over Weeks Bay but has broadened its purpose to address the issue statewide.


A person in a suit and tie

Description automatically generated with medium confidence“Alabama the Beautiful often describes where we call home. Encompassing that description are our many lakes, rivers, bays and miles of oceanfront,” Faust said. “As Alabamians, our abundant water resources contribute greatly to the quality of life that we enjoy, so making sure that water is clean and healthy is an issue that I believe will resonate with all of our citizens.” (Photo: Joe Faust, State Rep., R-Fairhope)


Faust said improving the waters of Mobile Bay will require cleaning the rivers, which will involve much of the state.



Members of the group along with Rep. Faust recently met with Gov. Ivey and her chief of staff, former Congressman Jo Bonner, as well as Alabama Speaker of the House Mac McCutcheon, to discuss ideas and opportunities to help improve water quality and usage issues across the state. Additionally, in May of this year, the Governor signed House Joint Resolution 196 “recognizing the importance of clean water access in the State of Alabama and endorsing the mission of Clean Water Alabama.”


John Manelos, President of Clean Water Alabama and a key organizer of the group, said he hopes to get as many people as possible involved in the project.  One initial effort to enlist support includes distribution of a water quality survey to Baldwin County residents to inform on citizen utilization of waterways, concerns regarding water quality, and who citizens hold accountable for related problems and ultimate solutions. (Photo: John Manelos, President, Clean Water Alabama)


“We’re trying to bring everyone in this tent to say what’s missing from what’s being done now to where we can put a little more effort behind not only keeping our waters clean but preserving it for generations to come.”





Clean Water Alabama is a non-profit organization whose mission is to engage the citizens of Alabama to take the necessary actions to ensure that our water resources (rivers, streams, lakes, bays and coast) are protected from those items that make them unsafe to its citizens, and the plant and animal life that live within and around.  For more information on Clean Water Alabama, visit CleanWaterAlabama.com