Content Fresh Featured on National Podcast for Contractors

Local social media expert, Deborah York Salisbury, was interviewed on a national contractors' podcast, “Out of the Hourglass” by Nolan Consulting Group. Nolan Consulting Group, based in Pennsylvania, offers business coaching that results in profitable growth  by implementing proven systems, providing business acumen, and training for building high performance teams mostly for home contracting businesses, such as painting, landscaping and roofing contractors.

Social Media Consultant and Founder of Content Fresh, Deborah York Salisbury answered a lot of questions about social media and how to appropriately budget and add social media into marketing plans for 2022. This podcasts explains how much home contractor businesses should be spending on social media marketing, what platforms to use, and the best way to engage with potential customers using social media.  


Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Content Fresh offers full-service social media management for businesses nationwide including strategic content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), organic social media and paid online advertising. Local businesses can take advantage of her free content posts that feature interesting and important information about businesses, charities and professional opportunities in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Learn more at