Baldwin Connect Career Expo - Feb. 15th & 16th, 2022

Baldwin County Career Expo
February 15th & 16th 
Robertsdale Coliseum
19477 Fairground Rd., Robertsdale, AL 36567


"Connecting todays business with tomorrows workforce".

The Baldwin Connect Career Expo will be February 15th & 16th at the Robertsdale Coliseum in Robertsdale, AL. 

Students attending the expo will have resumes and/or can fill out applications for summer internships and after school jobs. 

General public is encouraged to bring resume for straight-to-work opportunities. 

February 15th | 9AM - 3PM - 10th Graders
February 15th | 3PM - 5PM - Open to the public for any student or adult job seekers. 
February 16th | 9AM - 3PM - 12th Graders

Click Here to Download Booth Registration

*You must download the from to your computer before filling out.

Then save it to your computer and email it to