AMEA and its Members Kick Off 2022 Scholarship Program

Will you be graduating from high school in the spring of 2022? Do you receive your electricity from a public power utility in Alabama? Then if your answer to these questions is “yes,” you could be eligible to receive a scholarship from the Alabama Municipal Electric Authority (AMEA) and its Member cities/utilities. AMEA and its Members will make available 44, $2,500 scholarships (4 scholarships per Member city) in 2022.

Since 1992, AMEA has awarded over $3 million in scholarship monies to graduating high school seniors who receive their electric service from AMEA Members. To be eligible for an AMEA scholarship, a student’s parent and/or legal guardian must receive electric service from an AMEA Member utility, and the student must attend a four-year college/university, community college, and/or vocational/trade school within the state of Alabama.

Applications are currently available from school counselors in AMEA Member cities, or you can go online to the AMEA web site,, Scholarship. Application deadline is Monday, Feb. 14, 2022. For more information on the program, contact your school counselor or Pamela Poole, AMEA Scholarship Coordinator, (334) 387-3504, (800) 239-2632, Ext. 1110, or AMEA, a joint action agency formed in 1981 and located in Montgomery, is the wholesale power provider for 11 public power utilities in Alabama, which serve some 350,000 customers.