Saturday May 11, 2024
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
May 11, 2024 @10am-5pm
Foley Civic Center , 407 East Laurel Avenue, Foley, AL 36535
Free, 251-943-1359
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On May 11th at the Foley Civic Center, In collaboration with FoleyCon organizers, we are proud to present a free gaming and comic-con event. Immerse yourself in the world of fantasy and adventure with our array of gaming area, cosplay competitions, and awesome vendors. One confirmed featured guest, local celebrity, Alan Sealls will be giving a presentation at 12pm to 1pm in the Council Chambers entitled "Weather in Your Face!" Mr. Sealls will be signing books at FoleyCon after his presentation. Other vendors and guests include: Droid Operators of Pensacola, 501st legion called Delta Squad and Nikkis Magickal Creations to name just a few. We are now accepting vendor/exhibitor registrations for both for-profit (small table fee) and non-profit organizations. We still have some tables available! Visit for more info.