Friday Apr 26, 2024
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Friday April 26, 2024 10:00AM to 1:00PM
1502 N McKenzie St. Foley, Al 36535
Bryant Bank
(251) 971-4999
BRYANT BANK HOSTS FREE SHRED DAY IN FOLEY FOLEY, ALABAMA – Bryant Bank has announced the date for their free document shred day for Friday, April 26 at their Foley office. The event is free and open to the public between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and Bryant Bankers will be grilling and serving hotdogs and hamburgers to anyone who attends. The documents will be shredded on-site and later used for recycling after the event. These documents would typically end up in a local landfill if thrown in the garbage. In addition to reducing landfill waste, the proper disposal of these documents is always important in preventing identity theft. “As a community leader in Alabama, Bryant Bank is pleased to host our Community Shred Day at our Bryant Bank Foley office. Please stop by and drop off your confidential documents to be disposed of the proper way. Gilmore, a local, professional secure document destruction company will provide all shredding services on-site,” says Greg Strachan, Bryant Bank President for Baldwin County. “We will also have our Bryant Bank Tailgater Trailer present with our grill fired up and our Bryant Bankers serving lunch which is always a great time.” The Bryant Bank Foley office is located off highway 59, just south of the South Baldwin Regional Medical Center