Saturday Mar 23, 2024
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT
Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US Hwy 98, Daphne, AL 36526
Free admission
Rod Vining (251) 957-6725
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Mobile Bottle Collectors Club 51st Annual Antique Bottle & Collectibles Show & Sale will showcase all types of antique bottles (sodas, bitters, flasks, cures, medicines, mineral waters, inks, beers, fruit jars, milks, whiskey, insulators, poisons, hair, sauce, food condiments, utilities and black glass) and table top antiques and collectibles (pottery, jugs, crocks, mochaware, transferware, porcelain, pressed glass, advertising signs, historical memorabilia such as paper documents, military collectibles, postcards, postal history & stamps, coins, tokens, currency, toys, sports, photographs, tobacciana, knives, nautical excavated artifacts such as fossils, Indian, civil war, and much more).